Should You Consider an Annuity? - Episode 49
On Retire Your Way Radio, I talked about annuities and how to decide whether or not to include them in your retirement portfolio.
Hear from founder and president, Tim Doehrmann.
On Retire Your Way Radio, I talked about annuities and how to decide whether or not to include them in your retirement portfolio.
On Retire Your Way Radio, Tim shares a list of 7-figure retirement dos and don’ts. List lovers will appreciate these 8 financial tips for a successful retirement.
Moving to a state with no income tax in retirement sounds great, but what about property taxes, sales taxes, and insurance rates? Move for lifestyle, not taxes!
Raise your standard of living for half the cost by living abroad? On Retire Your Way Radio, I share some benefits and tips for living abroad in retirement.
On Retire Your Way Radio, I share how to decide if you can self fund for long-term care and the two types of long-term care insurance with pros and cons.
In this episode of Retire Your Way Radio, I interview Maggie Klokkenga, financial coach and owner of Make a Money Mindshift, and we dive into our money mindset.
In this episode of Retire Your Way Radio, I describe how our dynamic distribution strategy with guardrails works for providing on-going retirement income and how we determine how much money you can safely withdraw from your investments in retirement.
This week on Retire Your Way Radio, I talk about 4 strategies to consider in your Social Security planning process plus what you can do if you are not happy with the Social Security decision you have already made.
Since we specialize in working with clients close to or in retirement, Medicare is often a topic of conversation and always a part of our planning process. Today, I am going to touch on some of the basics of Medicare.
Today we’re going to test your knowledge about Social Security. Social Security is one of those things that most of us don’t think much about until we get close to retirement. Of course, that's only natural! However, I’m in business to help you put all the pieces together before and when you get to this phase.
Today we welcome Scott Witzig of Morton Community Foundation to Retire Your Way Radio as our first podcast interviewee. In this interview, I asked Scott a few questions about Morton Community Foundation and donor advised endowment funds.
I talk about the difference between a retirement rehearsal and a practice retirement and how either can help you determine if you are ready for retirement.
Does The SECURE Act address millions of Americans that are unprepared for retirement? I review 7 provisions of The SECURE Act and how they might affect you.
In this episode of the Retire Your Way Podcast, I discuss risk management, and particularly whether or not you should buy long-term care insurance to supplement your retirement plan.
It can be difficult to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and this is certainly the case when it comes to money. However, helping them find an understanding or compromise can be rewarding for everyone. Like with most things, an objective third party can add great value to this type of situation.