Your 7-figure Retirement Dos and Don’ts - Episode 47
On Retire Your Way Radio, Tim shares a list of 7-figure retirement dos and don’ts. List lovers will appreciate these 8 financial tips for a successful retirement.
Hear from founder and president, Tim Doehrmann.
On Retire Your Way Radio, Tim shares a list of 7-figure retirement dos and don’ts. List lovers will appreciate these 8 financial tips for a successful retirement.
Moving to a state with no income tax in retirement sounds great, but what about property taxes, sales taxes, and insurance rates? Move for lifestyle, not taxes!
On Retire Your Way Radio, I talk about how proposed guidance from the IRS about required minimum distributions (RMDs) from inherited IRAs could affect you or your heirs.
In this episode of Retire Your Way Radio, I talk about 4 financial mistakes made in 2020 and 3 general financial mistakes that are not specific to 2020.
This week on Retire Your Way Radio, I talk about 4 strategies to consider in your Social Security planning process plus what you can do if you are not happy with the Social Security decision you have already made.
There is a lot of confusion about President-elect Joe Biden’s tax proposals. And with the state of the economy and a nearly split Senate, it’s hard to say what tax changes could actually be passed in 2021. Today, I’m going to highlight some of Biden’s tax proposals and what they could mean for your retirement.
Today we welcome Scott Witzig of Morton Community Foundation to Retire Your Way Radio as our first podcast interviewee. In this interview, I asked Scott a few questions about Morton Community Foundation and donor advised endowment funds.
There are several nuances when it comes to inheriting the assets of an IRA. This depends on the relationship of the beneficiary to the IRA owner, whether the IRA was funded with pretax or after-tax money, and whether the account owner was required to take minimum distributions. I will touch on some of those nuances here as a guide of things to think about when it comes to planning your legacy. However, please consider talking to an estate attorney about your specific situation.
We focus on tax planning here at Eagle Ridge Wealth Advisors. Today I’m covering four ways to use charitable giving to your advantage to reduce your tax liability.